
How Promega Optimized Ad Targeting and Increased Lead Generation By 300% for 50% less






Google Ads

LinkedIn Advertising


Promega is a recognized leader in the cell & molecular biology space with an expanding product portfolio. We used smart approaches on a variety of marketing platforms to increase sales-qualified leads and launch multiple campaigns that outperformed industry standards.

The Challenge

Promega needed to reach their customers across multiple networks without having to manage all of their digital advertising in-house. Their previous paid advertising efforts consisted of a reputable generalist ad agency which relied on Promega’s in-house scientific experience rather than their own knowledge and strategy.

Promega needed a proactive partner, rather than just an order-taker.

The Strategy

Our dedicated Ph.D scientist-marketers implemented a dual-approach to target the top & bottom of the marketing funnel. This included using LinkedIn to advertise whitepapers & webinars at the top of the marketing funnel.

We then deployed Google Ads to target the bottom of the marketing funnel and bring in sales-qualified leads at a more reasonable price.

The Results

We used LinkedIn to target the right audiences for Promega webinar sign-ups with lead generation forms. This refinement brought in valuable new leads at $20-30/lead.

Google Ads focused on optimized & strategic keywords & ads to bring in more sales-qualified leads. We doubled the ad click-through-rate and brought down the cost per conversion by 50%.


Better click-through rate compared to industry standard

Through creating better ads, targeted at the right audience, we helped Promega see a click thru rate three times greater than the industry average.


More clicks overall

We helped Promega develop persuasive ad creatives across multiple marketing platforms. This combined effort led to a 100% increase in their overall clicks, bringing more traffic to their site.


Lower cost per click than industry average

By shifting away from a purely brand awareness approach & utilizing the LinkedIn lead forms we have helped Promega bring in quality leads at a low cost.


Promega Google Ads

Promega was already using Google Ads, but needed a trusted partner to step in and optimize their existing efforts. Their goal was to bring in more sales-qualified leads through form submissions, most notably through their sample request form. With comprehensive keyword research, quality scientific ad copy, continuous testing, and more, we improved their Google Ad processes and results.


Optimizing Clicks

As of 2020, Promega has seen a significant increase in the amount of traffic driven to their website from Google Ads. By triggering the most relevant ads on the right Google search terms we have refined Promega’s approach. This has not only led to more traffic, but better quality leads for their business.

Significant, drastic, improvement

"Having Ph.D.-level scientists help us develop strategies, create content and monitor performance of our campaigns has been a wonderful experience"


Sr. Specialist, Media and Metrics, Promega


Optimized Conversions

In the last 4 years Promega’s Google Ads have driven more sales-qualified conversions. Many of these conversions have come on “like form” submissions. By optimizing ads, and showing them to the right audiences, we have both increased conversion actions. With these efforts, form submissions are now coming in at a much better price.


Lower cost for each conversion compared to the industry average


More conversions


Increase in sample form request fills


Promega LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn was relatively uncharted territory for Promega’s advertising efforts. This platform is a great way to get ads for the most appropriate content in front of the most relevant audiences. Through a focused effort on the right content, matched with the right creative, targeted to the right audience, we were able to set Promega up for LinkedIn success.

The Right Content

App Notes
Tech Notes

The Right Creatives

A/B Testing
Focus On Scientists
Clear CTAs

The Right Audiences

Member Skills
Job Seniority
Company Industries
Job Functions


Lead Generation

In the last few years, Promega’s Linkedin campaigns have consistently delivered 50% better performance than the industry average. By shifting away from a purely brand awareness approach and utilizing the LinkedIn lead forms we have helped bring in quality leads at a phenomenally low cost.


Greater click-through-rate compared to industry average


More leads than the industry average