How DWK Transformed Three Brand Websites into One Global eCommerce Store













DWK Life Sciences is one of the world leaders in premium laboratory glass. Their product portfolio comprises over 30,000 products manufactured at 11 sites in Europe, North America and Asia. We built DWK a premium website to align with the quality of their premium products.

The Challenge

DWK had three separate brands sites with sub-optimal navigation and architecture. Product information was not easily found, which was having a negative impact on customer experience and online sales.

The Strategy

We audited Google Analytics, interviewed customers, and conducted a UX competitive analysis. Then we designed the site using UX best practices and rebuilt the product database with user friendly filters and SEO focused categories.

The Results

3 power-house Brands, DURAN, WHEATON and KIMBLE, were unified into an SEO-focused eCommerce platform for DWK. The new store is built to meet the needs of both their business and customers.


Increase in revenue

To increase DWK's revenue, we prioritized user experience and conversion rate optimization. Through design enhancements and a new streamlined checkout process, we eliminated user pain points.


Increase in Sales Leads

We drove an average 53% increase in sales leads across the primary contact request forms. This increase is attributed to the UX design enhancements made to the principal contact form.


Increase in total traffic

For DWK's total traffic growth, we executed a tactful migration strategy of micro-sites into the main DWK.com domain and amplified our marketing campaigns through Google Ads.


DWK Homepage

First-time website users rely heavily on the main navigation options and the homepage content to determine which type of site they've landed on and how broad (or narrow) a product range it offers.
In this homepage layout we feature the main product categories to give the user a clear scope of the product offering. In addition, a well organized product menu and robust search functionality helps guide users into their next step in the buying journey.


Category Level
Landing Page

First-time website users rely heavily on the main navigation options and the homepage content to determine which type of site they've landed on and how broad (or narrow) a product range it offers. In this homepage layout we feature the main product categories to give the user a clear scope of the product offering. In addition, a well organized product menu and robust search functionality helps guide users into their next step in the buying journey.

Supreme was reliable, responsive, and never broke a deadline.

I trust Supreme and always felt safe. I never felt that they would work in a direction I didn't approve of. Supreme was reliable, responsive, and never broke a deadline.

Dennis Beckedorf

Director Marketing Communications


Search Listing Page

The goal of a high quality search listing page is to enable users to make an initial assessment of the results before moving into the next step of the buying journey. The user should be able to refine their search as needed with helpful filters. For the DWK search listing page, we’ve provided high quality images and truncated filters that allow for a high level of filtering specificity without overwhelming the user with an expanded list of all selection options.


Product Description Page

The overall product page layout greatly impacts a site’s UX performance. Usability testing shows that poorly executed product page layouts are the primary reason for product and site abandonments – simply because the users couldn’t get an overview or weren’t able to locate the desired content.After comparing competitor product layouts and conducting voice of customer interviews and usability testing, we learned that users needed an easy way to scan for product specifications. Here the product specifications are open and not hidden behind tabs. Users can either scroll though the content or click “specifications” which automatically scrolls them to the specifications table.

Supreme was reliable, responsive, and never broke a deadline.

I trust Supreme and always felt safe. I never felt that they would work in a direction I didn't approve of. Supreme was reliable, responsive, and never broke a deadline.

Dennis Beckedorf

Director Marketing Communications